Butterflies and moths belong to the same scientific order Lepidoptera, which means "scale-winged" in Greek. Their wings are covered in thousands of tiny scales that overlap, creating colors and patterns. While they share some similarities, such as their winged appearance and life cycle, they also have many differences. Here's a breakdown of their …
Insects in Your Garden
Insect life in your garden is plentiful - butterflies, bees, wasps, caterpillars, and more. Some of these insects are beneficial and some are harmful to your garden, but we have to learn to live with them all. Learn about some of the insects in your garden!
30 Plants to Feed & Host Butterflies in Your Garden
If you like to watch butterflies, including butterfly plants in your garden that host the larvae (caterpillars) and also those plants that provide nectar for butterflies is essential. Including these types of butterfly food plants will attract butterflies to your garden and even lay eggs. You’ll be able to spot cocoons and watch …
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5 Great Plants for A Butterfly Garden in the Southeast
Monarchs make a nearly 3,000-mile journey each year from Mexico to the northern U.S. and Canada. Along their travels, they rely on native milkweeds for food and host plants for their caterpillars. Growing plants in your butterfly garden than provide food and are also a host plant will attract lots of butterflies, including monarchs. And monarchs …
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What are the Green Caterpillars on Your Tomato Plants? | The Tomato Hornworm & Tobacco Hornworm
Have you discovered that something is eating the leaves of your tomato plants and damaging your green tomatoes? You probably have a tomato hornworm or a tobacco hornworm. If you look around, you will probably find a giant green caterpillar on your tomato plants. What Does a Tomato Hornworm or Tobacco Hornworm Look Like? These big worms can grow …
Eastern Redbuds Provide Early Spring Food for Bees
The pink-hued blooms of native eastern redbud trees (Cercis canadensis) are one of the first signs of color that I see in March. It’s a sure sign that spring is on its way and that more color will begin to pop up in the lawns and gardens in our neighborhood. After months of cold weather and the barren landscapes of winter, the hint of mauve and …
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Celebrating Pollinators – Bees, Butterflies, Birds and More
National Pollinator Week occurs in mid- to late-June each year. The goal of this Week is to celebrate the beneficial insects, birds, and mammals that pollinate the flowers of plants that produce much of our food, maintain our ecosystems, stabilize soils, and provide wildlife habitat. It also serves to educate people about what they can do to help …
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