Irises are very low maintenance and make a nice addition to the spring garden. There are so many varieties, you can find the right one for your type of soil and for your tastes. These are just a few from my garden. [GARD] …
Information About Perennial and Annual Flowers for Your Garden
Bright, colorful flowers are a must for every garden. They can add color to container gardens, shade and full sun gardens, and mixed in with shrubs and trees. Find the perfect flowering plants for your garden's light, soil, moisture, and other conditions. Using a mixture of annuals and perennials helps keep your garden full of flowers throughout the seasons.
Swamp Mallow (Hibiscus coccineus): Hardy Native for Wet Soils
Have you got swampy soil? Then this is the perfect flowering plant solution for your garden. Native to the marshes and swamps of the southeastern states – from Louisiana to North Carolina –swamp mallows (Hibiscus coccineus) prefer wet soil and even standing water. Swamp Mallow is Perfect for Wet Soil I had one spot in my front flowerbeds …
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Dianthus: Pinks, Carnations, and Sweet Williams
The Dianthus in my garden are one of the first flowers to bloom in early spring, just after the daffodils are done. These are the low-growing variety with pink, red, or white flowers. The plants are covered in blooms and come back every year. Many Dianthus are perennial and range in height from a low ground cover (4-5 inches) to tall …
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Daffodils from the garden
The daffodils were so beautiful this year, I just had to share the photos I took. Enjoy! …
Purple Passionflower: Passiflora incarnata
Purple passionflower, also known as maypop, is a relatively quick-growing, perennial, herbaceous vine in the Passifloraceae family. You can find this native vine growing throughout the Southeast from Texas to Kansas up to Pennsylvania and down to Florida. In Mississippi, I’ve often seen it in pastures or open fields. It’s a great addition to an …
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Signs of Spring: Early blooming flowers in my garden
Although it was muddy, I took a walk through my yard this afternoon before heading back to the office. I was really looking at the vegetable plots I just planted although it's only been a few days. I'm already on seed watch, waiting for the signs of the first sprouts. But while traipsing through the yard, I started to see the signs of spring …
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