Have you discovered that something is eating the leaves of your tomato plants and damaging your green tomatoes? You probably have a tomato hornworm or a tobacco hornworm. If you look around, you will probably find a giant green caterpillar on your tomato plants. What Does a Tomato Hornworm or Tobacco Hornworm Look Like? These big worms can grow …
garden pest
What’s Eating My Jalapeños?
You'll never believe what I found eating my jalapeños. It's a hot pepper so you would think that it would be protected from hungry critters. But, that is not always the case. I planted my jalapeño peppers in containers this year. They were grown in part shade just along the edge of my driveway. I have four plants and they are growing 10-15 …
3 Ways to Protect Yourself from Mosquitoes
Warm weather is here and the mosquitoes are already biting! With diseases like West Nile virus and Zika that are transmitted by mosquitoes, you’re going to need some protection. Mosquito Protection The first step is to avoid getting bitten -- wearing long sleeve shirts and pants are a great idea towards avoiding contact with mosquitoes. There are …
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Backyard Wildlife: The Critters in My Garden
For me, half of the fun of having a garden is watching the critters that come to enjoy it. Here are some of the critters that have shown up in my garden (and my family's garden) in the last couple of years. Learn more about backyard habitat by reading these articles Food plants for caterpillars and butterflies How to Create Good Wildlife …
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How to Make Deer Exclosure for Raised Beds
Three young fawns and a doe have discovered my garden just recently. They ate all of the leaves off of the pepper plants, devoured the hostas, stripped the bean plants bare, and ate every single beet top. Now that they’ve found us, I’m sure they will continue to come back. I am starting to think about planting for a fall crop of vegetables, so I …
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The Cayenne Pepper vs. Squirrel Experiment
I may have mentioned this before, but my yard has a LOT of squirrels. With several oak and pecan trees, there is plenty of food for them. The problem is, whenever I plant new seeds, the squirrels (and cats) dig up the soil. I end up with empty spots that never grow. I planted beets and carrots in my two raised self-watering beds. The soil in …
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