I took this photo on a hot, steamy late August day on the banks of the Mississippi River near Vicksburg, Mississippi. The name of this plant just makes me smile. Fog fruit - I can just picture the fog rolling in from the river and resting around this little plant. Plant Names The scientific name of this plant is Phyla lanceolata. Common names …
Garden Plant Information
Information about how to grow, where to plant, how to propagate, soil and sun requirements, and more for garden plants and flowers. Discover new plants for your garden or learn more about plants already in your garden.
Top 20 Fragrant Flowers and Plants for Your Garden
Creating a Scent Garden for your Backyard The smell of a southern magnolia flower always stops me in my tracks. My neighbor has one and when it is blooming, I always spend a few extra moments in front of his yard enjoying the smell. It’s so lemony fresh -- it reminds me of childhood days spent outdoors climbing trees. Most of us select …
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The Cactus that Keeps on Blooming
Cacti are traditionally favorites of many gardeners because they are so low maintenance and perfect for high heat/low water locations. Because we get a lot of rain during certain times of the year here in north Mississippi, my cacti are in a container that I can bring in and put under my grow light when the cold, rainy season arrives. I …
How to Grow Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia rotundifolia)
I love this plant. Nothing says 'good morning to you' like a bright orange flower. But it's not just me! The hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies have all cast their votes too. This afternoon, I saw a ruby-throated hummingbird feeding on one of the flowers. Tithonia is excellent for attracting and feeding pollinators. Mix it in with a few …
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What’s Eating My Jalapeños?
You'll never believe what I found eating my jalapeños. It's a hot pepper so you would think that it would be protected from hungry critters. But, that is not always the case. I planted my jalapeño peppers in containers this year. They were grown in part shade just along the edge of my driveway. I have four plants and they are growing 10-15 …
Of Ferns and Fiddles – No Hostas Here
The white-tailed deer population in Mississippi is pretty high at around 1.75 million. I think about a third of those are in my neighborhood. It certainly seems like there are that many when they start munching on my garden plants. They leave nothing but the roots. Hostas are like deer candy. I had several hosta plants that I was quite fond …
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