The first flowers to show their faces after winter are the native wildflowers. By mid to late-March, they are usually in full bloom, even after a quick dip in the temperatures. Choosing to incorporate native plants in to your garden is a great idea if you want hardy plants that can tolerate the local soil and weather conditions. Native plants …
Information About Perennial and Annual Flowers for Your Garden
Bright, colorful flowers are a must for every garden. They can add color to container gardens, shade and full sun gardens, and mixed in with shrubs and trees. Find the perfect flowering plants for your garden's light, soil, moisture, and other conditions. Using a mixture of annuals and perennials helps keep your garden full of flowers throughout the seasons.
The Unique (and Rare) Flowers of the Cast Iron Plant
I adore plants. So when I had the opportunity to salvage some from the flower beds at my old home, I spent hours of my weekends digging and sweating in the Mississippi humidity in spite of the fact that I didn't keep these plants. I just don't have any more room at my current house for more plants right now and with the winter weather quickly …
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Obedient Plant – Physostegia virginiana
Deer-resistant AND it can grow in clay soil - what's not to love about obedient plants? Native plants are favorites of mine because they are particularly suited for the local conditions (soil, heat, drought or rain, clay soil) of my area. When I find those native plants with particularly pretty flowers, I add them to my hodgepodge of a …
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Partridge Pea: Butterfly Host Plant & Pollinator Plant
Summer is the time of the year that you’ll see the bright yellow flowers of partridge pea blooming along the side of the road or along streams and ditches. They will continue to flower from late summer to early fall. Creates Food for Pollinators & Wildlife This little plant packs a mighty punch when it comes to benefiting …
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Lyreleaf Sage – Mississippi Wildflower
Spring comes early in Mississippi. While my friends who live in states to the north continue to fight through snow and ice, I start to see the fresh green of new plant growth emerge from my lawn in mid to late-March. The early arrival of spring weather is one of my favorite things about living in Mississippi – the early respite from the cold, …
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How to Keep Your Gladiolus Flowers From Falling Over
The gladiola flowers have been putting on quite a show this year. Pink, white, red, greenish-yellow, and purple gladiolus have graced my garden. I really like gladiolas but whenever there is a heavy rain or higher-than-usual winds, the glads dip over or break off. This content includes affiliate links. I get a small percentage of the sale for …
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